Tuesday, December 13, 2011

That’s called a boot…..

So WE were told that the po-lice in logan are very strict with parking. One night we went to a friends house and he told us it was okay to park in the guest parking, he just had to call it in. So we watched a movie and hung out a bit.  As we were heading out the door he said, “Well I hope you don’t have a boot on your car cause I couldn’t get a hold of the people.” We both looked at him like we better not have a boot cause we don’t have any extra money for that kind of thing! Sure enough we had a boot! And a big bright paper saying, “Caution! Do not move this vehicle! $75.00 parking fee, please call a phone # to take boot off.” I think we both were on the verge of tears, and didn’t really know what to do. We walked back to our friends house and let them know what was going on. The boot dude showed up at like two in the morning and luckily we were able to talk our way out of paying for it. Our friend had tried to leave a message but for some reason it didn’t go through. I was so happy we didn’t have to pay!!!


  1. What are you two doing out at two in the morning? I too am glad you did'nt have to pay for that.
